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Alina ([info]collateralmagic) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-11-05 02:03:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, sam weaver, team - jla

So Much For "Smokeless" Candles... [open to JLA]
Magical training could be such a pain in the butt. This particular assignment, for example, had required that Alina figure out how to get power to something electronic without having a cord break any of the protective circles she used when she was experimenting. She'd been clever though, and put it off until after Halloween, and then cleared a few dollar stores and craft stores out of all their cheapest holiday fiddly things.

The end result, so far, is that Alina's sitting in the middle of one of the training rooms in Justice League of America headquarters, surrounded by three concentric binding circles chalked on the floor in blue, black, and white. There are two piles on the outside of the largest circle, one of cheap battery-included horrors and one of cheap battery-included horrors whose insides have been reduced to slag. She currently has her head bowed over the black electric tea light candle cradled in her and is muttering to herself as she tries to turn it purple without frying it to death.

But hey, once she figures out how to do this, she can start trying to do things to technology with her magic other than instantly destroy it.

The casing on the candle turns the same color blue as the smoke that comes out of the battery pack.


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2014-02-25 01:56 am UTC (link)
"Hey it pretty easy to learn that when you see a monk with no powers catch a bullet with his bare hands using only skill," Sam says with a shrug.

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2014-03-01 11:58 pm UTC (link)
Alina gestures to lift the black and white circle, and slides the blue circle out with a swing of her foot. The circles settle back to the floor one at a time.

"Careful, that's how it starts. Then the next thing you know, you're reading for fun."

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2014-03-10 10:39 pm UTC (link)
"That's not likely to happen," Sam says. "I still don't like books that don't have pictures in them." He never really had much use or time for them growing up anyways.

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2014-03-16 07:38 pm UTC (link)
"That's what they all say," Alina says, settling down cross-legged in the middle of her circles. "We may as well change your code-name to 'Four-Eyes' now."

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2014-03-16 11:45 pm UTC (link)
"Yes because that's a great code name for a sharpshooter that doesn't wear glasses," Sam says with a laugh. "But the best use I ever found for a book was burning it to stay warm."

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