The Story Starts When Your Protagonist...
Dinadan sinks down in his seat, pulling his phone out of his pocket and firing off a text. It's only after he hits 'send' that he realizes that he hadn't selected his girlfriend's name out of his contact list:
To: Jai
I introduced myself as "Dr. Palmer's kid". People still think I have jaundice. Ugh.
He and Jai had mostly been okay after that talk they'd had in the library. No one had failed to graduate from high school and fled into the jungle or thought that they were making someone flee into the jungle, so it was a win all around. They still hadn't talked quite as much as they'd used to, but they'd both also been pretty busy.
Still, it could have been a worse wrong number. And while he'd meant to whine at Petra, there's no reason he can't whine at Jai and see if he gets anything entertaining back. Dinadan fires off another text:
To: Jai
Legitimately considering hitch-hiking home in a huff.
To: Jai
You have five minutes to entertain me, start planning a rescue, or to ignore this message before I move on down the list.
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