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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-08-13 19:43:00

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Entry tags:barbie queen, cian daly, dinadan palmer, fang xian, green lantern dex, lizzy choi, plot - "the world according to pippi", team - jli

Robots attack!
The JLI had a little downtime, but it wasn't going to last. Explosions went off outside and the ground shook. When the JLI go outside they would see giant robots attacking. Two of their members were missing.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-10-07 10:11 pm UTC (link)
"I think they hold an election every time they run out of money for commercials and tacky little lawn signs."

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-10-07 10:26 pm UTC (link)
"Are the Democrats evil too?" he asked.

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-10-07 10:40 pm UTC (link)
"Politicians are all evil, they're just different kinds of evil. When they let us out, if its the Republicans, we'll just need to go get you back from Mexico. If its the Democrats, for some reason, they'll just make you switch to Visa. They don't think Aliens should be using Mastercard or American Express or things like that. I don't know why they'd hold you in here for that, though. So its probably the Republicans."

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Re: Elsewhere
2013-10-08 12:12 am UTC (link)
"Whoever it is, I'm going to beat them into a pulp when I get out of here."

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