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boosted_gold ([info]boosted_gold) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-06-09 01:36:00

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Entry tags:dinah kord, goldstar, mourning dove

Due (Matrimonial) Diligence
So... getting married. It was a thing now. A thing that was actually going to happen, not at some nebulous far off point in the future, but within the year. Riley and Dinah didn't want some big drawn out engagement. There'd been vague discussions of dresses and guests lists and venues, but Riley was really on the fringe of all that. Oddly enough, Uncle Ted and Dad had taken over most of the planning, with various interventions by Aunt Sue.

Riley and Dinah, for their part, knew that pre-marital counseling was a sound idea, so they'd checked with Ruth about the idea and set up a schedule. Riley was meeting with her first, before Dinah's session, and then both of them.

So he's waiting in his usual room at the Tower, a few healthy snacks and drinks on hand out of gratitude to Ruth, along with a small gift-wrapped box as a thank-you present.

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Re: Dinah
2013-06-09 10:23 pm UTC (link)
"Hey, no prob," Dinah said. "And thank you, too."

It really had seemed like a pretty good idea. The two of them were, she was certain, meant to be together. But it had also always only ever been the two of them, and it had taken them some time to get to the relationship phase through a lot of awkwardness. So a little pre-work wasn't a bad idea.

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Re: Dinah
2013-06-09 10:26 pm UTC (link)
"So, for starters, how do you feel about the proposal?"

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Re: Dinah
2013-06-09 10:41 pm UTC (link)
Okay, good question off that bat.

"I was a little surprised. We hadn't really talked about getting married, but only because I think we both knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

Riley... Riley's always been the guy in my life. We've known each other all our lives. He's my other half. My best friend."

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Re: Dinah
2013-06-09 10:43 pm UTC (link)
Ruth smiles. "Yeah, I know the feeling there. Okay, can you tell me your top five goals for the next ten years? Aside from getting married."

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Re: Dinah
2013-06-09 11:03 pm UTC (link)
Wait, future planning? That was a thing she was supposed to be doing? Okay, yeah, mostly joking.

"Okay, let's see," she began, ticking things off on her fingers.

"Finish up my Bachelor's degree, and complete my masters after that.

Start up my own software company.

Find a place to live with Riley outside of the Tower. Plenty of really nice apartments or condos if you know what you're looking for and have a trust fund.

Kids, someday, assuming I'm capable of having them with Khaji fused to my spine. Or adoption if that doesn't work out.

And once goal two is up and running well, or in part and parcel to it, come up with solutions and ideas to help make Gotham a better place for people to live."

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Re: Dinah
2013-06-09 11:07 pm UTC (link)
"All nice. So, is there anything you're not comfortable talking to Riley about?"

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Re: Dinah
2013-06-09 11:21 pm UTC (link)
Dinah's chipper demeanor took on a more worried tone for a moment.

"Only that... I worry about him, tripping all over time's back end. I've gone with him a few times, but I know there's more to all of that than he tells even me. I worry what all that might do to him. I worry that he might not come back."

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Re: Dinah
2013-06-09 11:24 pm UTC (link)
"Okay, well, not a totally out of line worry, there. Aside from the stuff he says is professionally confidential, do you tend to ask questions when you want to know more about what's going on?"

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Re: Dinah
2013-06-09 11:29 pm UTC (link)
A small nod. "I'm too inquisitive and too stubborn not too. As far as I can tell, he's always told me the truth."

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Re: Dinah
2013-06-09 11:31 pm UTC (link)
"Well, if you're both willing to talk when you can, that's a good sign. Any other questions before we get you both in here?"

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Re: Dinah
2013-06-09 11:45 pm UTC (link)
She smiled again. "I think I'm good."

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