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bronze_vixen ([info]bronze_vixen) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Nala very quickly spotted her waving friend. A smile spread from cheek to cheek, and she walked over to Joy. Possibly out of habit - because she only did it when she was happy - she walked her signature runway walk all the way until she was right in front of Joy. She might have attracted some attention with that, given the number of people walking by her, but she paid no mind to them.

"It's so good to see you, too," Nala replied, opening her arms to give her friend a hug. "I know how you feel, minus the class. Just work and work for me, but at least we get to settle down and have today to ourselves." Yes, work did mean something very different for them than it did for most people. If she didn't put some sort of emphasis on the codeword, though, she'd get confused as to which kind of work she was talking about. Some of the other girls on the runway, commercials, or in photoshoots could be just as nasty as a run-of-the-mill villain.

"Did you order yet, or were you waiting for me to get here?" she asked apologetically. She wasn't sure if Joy had eaten much yet, so she didn't want to keep her waiting if she was hungry. God knows Panera had it's moments where it took forever to get your food.

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