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geekgreek ([info]geekgreek) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Will didn't know how to introduce himself. he had made it his whole life to stay comfortable, and going out of his way (let alone a third of the way across the country to New York City) to meet new people was not one of those things. Will Freeman liked his comfort.

This was not making him comfortable.

Even in Marvel form, there were lingering doubts in the mind of Will as he made his way to the famed Dodds Mansion, the Justice Society of America Brownstone, when something tells him that somethings is...off.

The Wisdom of Socrates tells him something is amiss. Will hangs there, just above the brownstone itself, waiting for a hint ot...

A whiff of smoke and a faint "ow" comes across the his conciousness, and the speed of Hermes takes him there in an instant.

And he instantly regrets it, as he goes through a wall of the brownstone to find someone wrapped in a shower curtain 9and nothing else)


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