Since Henry's party, AJ has been stopping by the new Justice League's Headquarters, mostly just to hang out, sleep, and eat any cupcakes he could get his hands on (along with any other food that wasn't raw fish). He needed a place to live too. It got lonely out in the cold dark waters.
But now he's staying at the HQ for far longer, mostly in the training area. Ever since they escaped from the Brain Trust, AJ has spent his time working out with the state of the art equipment and honing his skills in simulated AI battles. His defeat at the hands of Victor was the greatest humiliation he had in his life. The feeling of having been so helpless against an opponent made Arthur feel so shameful and disgusted. He would not allow himself to ever be in a position like that again. Corinna had emphasized training, which AJ had scoffed at, but now he took it very seriously.
At the moment, AJ is dueling a combat android designed for training. It's AI difficulty has been set to maximum, and it wields a stun baton. AJ growls as the robot shocks him, but bares his teeth and swings his sword. He did not fight well, having never formally learned how to fence or fight, but he persisted and kept on, doing everything his could to beat the computer.
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