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Dinah Kord ([info]bwa_ha_ha) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-04-06 21:52:00

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Entry tags:ash curry, barbie queen, dinadan palmer, dinah kord, goldstar, jai west, jo kent, mourning dove, robert wilson

Waiting on a Knight in Gold Armor
Not long after breaking the connection from Riley and Max, Dinah has set a land-speed record for getting ready for a date. A short time later, she was waiting outside the restaurant for Riley.

She checked her watch.

For the third time.

"You'd think time travelers would know not to be late..." she muttered.

She really hoped Riley hadn't done anything crazy with Max.

...Okay, he probably hadn't.


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2013-04-06 11:53 pm UTC (link)
He blinks. "Wait, what? How'd you know? I know I remembered to shave..." He checks his face for stubble with one hand.

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2013-04-07 12:04 am UTC (link)
"Okay, one, I know you. Two, I know how you think. Three, my mom is one of the world's greatest detectives."

Dinah gave him another kiss. "Five, your watch says it's Monday."

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2013-04-07 12:08 am UTC (link)
Riley glances at his wrist. "....you are so hot." He kisses her forehead, then escorts her inside.

Dinner is delicious, and peaceful, and while they're waiting for desert, Riley seems to get slightly edgy. "Got a surprise for you..." He takes out a box and passes it across the table to her. It's nearly flat, and only a few inches square on each side.

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2013-04-07 12:14 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, well, we already knew that."

Inside, Dinah's face lit up with surprise. "A present? ...It's not our anniversary, is it? Because I swear I have that written down in my KordBerry..."

She opened it, revealing a watch. She peered at it, noting it was inscribed. "Oh? Now what does this say..."

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2013-04-07 12:32 am UTC (link)
"I know you do. You keep track of everything." Riley smiles.

Inside the pocket-watch's lid, in fine lettering - 'This watch contains all the time in the universe. Let us spend it with each other.'

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2013-04-07 12:48 am UTC (link)
"Oh my God, Ri..." she began. "This is... this is wonderful!"

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2013-04-07 01:00 am UTC (link)
Riley is, by now, out of his seat and on one knee. He takes out another box and opens it for Dinah to see. Inside is a ring that should have burned up in a crashing spaceship a few centuries in the future.

"I'm sorry that I don't have any kind of speech for us to look back at and laugh at later. You just make all of the details fall away.

Dinah Kord, will you marry me?"

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2013-04-07 01:16 am UTC (link)

Dinah's eyes went wide, and her heart seemed to skip a beat.

They'd been best friends since they were in diapers. There was no one who knew her better. Through thick and thin and time travel and zombies and everything in between, they'd stood by each other. It had taken them far too long to realize that that they were more than friends, that they were soulmates.

"Oh, Ri... yes. A thousand times yes."

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2013-04-09 01:01 am UTC (link)
Riley slips the ring on her finger, with maybe a little bit of effort (note to self: resize it later), then just reaches up and takes her face in his hands and kisses her. A few nearby tables offer polite applause.

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2013-04-10 11:41 pm UTC (link)
Dinah held that kiss for a long time.

"Here's to infinite possibilities, Ri."

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2013-04-11 05:51 pm UTC (link)
"You could call it that." Riley grins, holding her face and nuzzling his forehead to hers.

"...so... who do we tell first?"

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2013-04-11 11:11 pm UTC (link)
"Well, my mom probably already knows. I swear, she knows stuff before I ever think of it."

She smiled. "Avs? Petra? Cindy? The girls will spread it to the four corners before you can blink."

And a giggle. "Of course, I'm interested to see how Dad's gonna react..."

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2013-04-12 12:04 am UTC (link)
He smiles, finally letting himself part from her enough to return to his seat, as he gets out his phone. "Let's call your mom first. She'll conference in my parents. Cindy after that. We'll break the news to the team next time we get them in one place with pizza."

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2013-04-12 12:16 am UTC (link)
"Good plan," Dinah agreed.

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2013-04-13 08:12 pm UTC (link)
Riley dials his phone, then sets it down on the table between him and Dinah, on speaker.

"Hey, Aunt Babs? You and Uncle Ted busy right now?"

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