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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-20 18:11:00

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Entry tags:ezra durlin, thomas kyle

"But it's not like that on the TV"

Slow night in Gotham. Not that he should be complaining about that, but it did mean he was left to pretty much crouch menacingly on a rooftop with the cape whooshing about for effect. At least, that's what it seemed like, in reality he was just cold, and this position reduced how much he was exposed to the wind /and/ kept him warm. But you didn't admit things like that, it'd ruin the image.
So Thomas stays on that roof, rather bored and watching the street below. There wasn't much there except a small convenience store, family-owned dry cleaners, and a few small clothing shops, which was one of the reasons he didn't swing by here too often. The other being that this was close to the twins' neighbourhood so there was less need for him to cover it. Which was a good thing by the looks of it, there didn't seem much to do here.

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2013-01-24 05:39 am UTC (link)
Inside the car, three, not yet masked, men argue.

"Okay, remember, we go by numbers alright?"

"Why not codenames again?"

"Because you suck at remembering them."

"So just because he sucks I have to suffer too?"

"Do you want this to work or not?"

"Let's just get started."

And the three men pull on their ski masks and park a few cars away from the convenience store entrance.

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