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outfoxing ([info]outfoxing) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-08 23:28:00

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Entry tags:fox, thomas kyle

"I know she's playing with me..."
It has been a while since Fox has gone out of her way to get Robin's attention. She has to get him close to something that needs to be dealt with tonight. Thankfully they have all night she just needs him to back her up. First thing is first though, she needs to get his attention.

So first she fumbles a robbery three men are trying to do. She leaves it for him to clean up. She blew a kiss at the men as she left. Then she went running triggering a few silent alarms to catch his attention. It is her way of saying hello and come find me.

She needs him at her back soon. She is getting impatient. She needs his help tonight. She has waited on this information for too long. If she waits any longer people will be in danger. She can't let that happen and she doesn't trust anyone else to help her with this.

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2013-01-28 05:11 am UTC (link)
Pouncing doesn't surprise him, he had wanted to do much the same. There's little holding back when he kisses her in return, even if he does his best to put down the bit of desperation that arose out of not having seen her in so long, and really quite missing her company.

She really had too much effect on him.

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