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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Thomas considers this, he doesn't need to take them all out. Just get the fear gas away from them and time things so the police came to clean up or at least scatter the remaining ones. Still, dangerous. The other option would be to take out as many as possible and wait for the police but...that would be messy and have a much higher chance of gunfire hurting someone and a canister being damaged or accidentally made to release the gas...

Steal the canisters, drop them somewhere else for the police to pick up, then call in the police's heavy guns. Because this was out of their capabilities right now. To do this without them he'd need preparation, backup and more resources than he had at his disposal. But theft...between the two of them it was possible.

"We're going to steal the canisters. You use take out the security system for the police to come in later and I'll get into where they're holding and start loading the gas. But I'm going to need you to work up some distractions with the system, keep them away from the canisters and away from seeing you."

It's not much but they'll need to work with it.

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