The ride from the JLI headquarters through Europe and into Russia was very quick and without incident, which is a damn good thing. She was still technically special forces, but procurement of paperwork to ensure she has the same name without the...credentials that normally came with it.
Once in Eastern Europe, there are several...ways into Georgia. Many of them less than legal, a number *very* illegal, and still others worse. Oksana made damn sure to make a slightly less than legal route, taking in a smuggling plane carrying supplies that are not directly allowed but are very assistive.
Once there, Oksana lets her magic reach out, slowly manipulating the probabilities in her favor. Finding Proteus will not be easy in normal circumstances, and when an agent has gone off the grid is harder still. She needed every chance she could...
A small piece of paper Catches Her Eye. To an untrained eye, it looks like it'll just get stuck on her boot, but she makes sure to duck out of sight and look at it. It was a reciept, one most likely form some small boutique. the few available in Georgia proper. That is odd in and of itself, but the name of the client is what clinches it for Oksana: Matryoshka.
Not entirely subtle. Now, to backtrack to this shop...
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