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Mark Clearwater ([info]handofnabu) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-09-16 19:21:00

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Entry tags:dr fate, tess holt

Flash back: Sometimes you need a Doctor
A small town in upper New York state had been taken over by demons. That was when someone had come to put a stop to it. No lives had been lost that day. The magic had been reversed and the Doctor had been very kind to most of the people in the town.

Except for the young sorcerer who had been the source of the demons. They were a novice truly and had been given a very stern lecture on magic and taking care. This is the eighth sighting of Doctor Fate since his disappearance over a decade and a half ago. No one knows who this truly is or where he came from just that he has been showing up off and on since around Christmas.

He has not yet made contact with anyone from the old guard. It is almost March now and he is looking ready to depart now that he is done.

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2012-09-16 09:51 pm UTC (link)
"I understand, and I'm sure we will. Let's get somewhere more private so you can let him out, huh?"

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2012-09-16 09:53 pm UTC (link)
"Would you prefer it to be at the Brownstone?"

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2012-09-16 09:54 pm UTC (link)
"That would be best, thank you."

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2012-09-16 09:56 pm UTC (link)
Magical teleportation is both fast and easy for someone like him. They re in the living room and he has taken over a big comfortable looking recliner.

"He may panic a bit at first."

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2012-09-16 10:09 pm UTC (link)
"He's got every right. Took me a while to figure you were back in town. He's got no frame of reference, and it's been happening in his own life."

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2012-09-16 10:11 pm UTC (link)
"He thinks he is going mad. He only gets hints of what I have been doing. After this... I will lift the veil. He will see and understand all," he informs Tess seriously.

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2012-09-16 10:13 pm UTC (link)
"Thank you. That's a good plan," Tess says equally seriously.

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2012-09-16 10:16 pm UTC (link)
It takes a moment but the helmet is resting in Mark's lap. He is a very confused still young looking man. Clearly older than the people that will be a part of the JSA now but it makes little difference.

"Wha... What's going on? Where am I?"

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2012-09-16 10:23 pm UTC (link)
"It's safe here. You're not crazy. You're in the home of the Justice Society, and it's time you got some explanations. I'm Tess."

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2012-09-16 10:24 pm UTC (link)
He's still confused.

"But the... Why would..." He trails off then frowns slightly."What?"

He has so many questions really.

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2012-09-16 10:27 pm UTC (link)
"What's your name, and what do you know about the thing you're holding?"

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2012-09-16 10:29 pm UTC (link)
"Mark Clearwater. It looked like a replica of the helmet Doctor Fate wears. It.... showed up one day," he admits staring at it seriously.

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2012-09-16 10:30 pm UTC (link)
"Very well-observed. But it's not a replica, Mr. Clearwater. It's the real thing, and you've been drafted."

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2012-09-16 10:33 pm UTC (link)
"I'm a librarian. We're known for research," he informs her in a dry tone. He.... pales slightly.

"Do you know why?"

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2012-09-16 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"Dr. Fate seemed to think you're the man for the job."

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2012-09-17 01:02 am UTC (link)
"I see." He doesn't know what to think about that.

"I suppose he'll give me more reasons than that."

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2012-09-17 01:03 am UTC (link)
"I would hope so. He said he was going to lay out all his cards for you from this point on."

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2012-09-17 01:05 am UTC (link)
"Well considering he was high-jacking my body before this I hope he does." He still looks baffled though.

"Why am I here?"

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2012-09-17 01:05 am UTC (link)
"Why do you think, Mr. Clearwater?"

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2012-09-17 01:08 am UTC (link)
"To talk I would guess. You seem to know a few things about me."

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2012-09-17 01:10 am UTC (link)
"Talking is part of it, yes. After all, I can't in good conscience bring Fate back to work here without your okay, and I wouldn't want to without knowing you."

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2012-09-17 01:12 am UTC (link)
"With the JSA." He's still stumbling over this whole thing.

"I'm not exactly a hero. Like I said, I'm a librarian.... What exactly would you like to know, Miss?"

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2012-09-17 05:27 am UTC (link)
"You're seeming like a smart, trustworthy guy. The Helmet can do the rest. But only if you can come to terms with it."

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2012-09-17 05:29 am UTC (link)
"It's not the worst thing," he admits. "It will take time to adjust but.... I can do it I think."

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2012-09-20 05:14 am UTC (link)
"Well, we'd be glad to have you."

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