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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-09-03 23:09:00

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Entry tags:azurite, cindy lord, emerald, nick szasz, sapphire, team - new guardians, topaz

Breaking News- Windy City Blows ....... Up!
Cain had been planning this for months. The Chicago art museum had in it's possession some artifacts that they knew little of worth of having only exhibited them once before placing them in storage. These artifacts had come from Enoch the scared city that Cain had founded and he would not let them rot in some museum backroom like that. Especially when they might hold the clues to him finding the city at long last.

He had dispatched Brother Phlegethon to Chicago with some of his best stealth teams to take care of all of this.

Soon after arriving in the city and casing the museum the city was rocked by a series of explosions set up of Phlegethon. It would be all over the news in no time. But the figured they could get in and out without any trouble.

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2012-09-04 11:24 pm UTC (link)
"Can't narrow it down yet," Cindy says, coming up on them. "Thing to do now is to go to the buildings hit, make sure they're being properly evacuated and that the major fire hazards are taken care of... or flood hazards, in the case of Shedd. Harry, take Jess, Heather and Lenny to the art museum. Andy, Saishu, come with me to the Shed.

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2012-09-04 11:30 pm UTC (link)
Harry nods, happy to have a plan to follow and gets ready to teleport who she told him to.

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2012-09-04 11:38 pm UTC (link)
Andy had felt the emotion from the attack, but didn't know how to react. So, down to the group Andy went. And as Andy arrived, so did Cindy.

Andy followed the instructions without second thought.

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2012-09-05 03:24 am UTC (link)
Saishu nods, sticking close to Cindy. This was going to be a chaotic situation. In such cases, best to have someone she could easily understand around - any other considerations aside.

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2012-09-05 03:30 am UTC (link)
And right to the distressed aquarium they will go, Cindy asking Nicely at the top of her lungs for people to leave in an orderly manner, and asking the other two -- Saishu in French, when anything complicated -- to move things or support things.

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