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Avia Free ([info]ms_miracle) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-08-30 21:22:00

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Entry tags:avia free, cindy lord, goldstar, iris west, joey mason, max sivana, sapphire, sphene, topaz, varon, will freeman

The Happening Homestead (open)
Well, they'd managed to convince their parents (a little less hers, it was high time she moved out anyway, though she was keeping her basement workshop) that their moving in together was a good idea.  The age gap had come up, but they were in love and nothing much was going to stop them even if their parents didn't approve.    Checks had been signed, keys handed over, furniture purchased (Avia wasn't big on throwing around money, but she certainly did have it to throw when she needed it), things packed and later unpacked, the placement of furniture discussed and tweaked...

And they were finally moved in.

And, being finally settled, they were able to throw a housewarming party.  Avia's JLA teammates, Will's JSA teammates, Cindy and the New Guardians, Di and Ri and their Titans friends if they wanted to come... anybody who made their mutual association list.

Ought to be one swinging shindig.

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2012-09-10 08:45 pm UTC (link)
"Will do," Avia said. "Think you're the only Society type to show so far, but there's some Leaguers and Titans and Guardians and stuff here."

She considered. "Avoid the tall guy who talks in the third person. Nice guy, but he'll probably hit on you. Oh, and Joey Mason's here somewhere too."

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2012-09-11 01:01 am UTC (link)
"They're great, but they wouldn't know a party if one hit them in the face. Thanks for the head's up. I'll make sure to avoid both of them."

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2012-09-11 09:40 pm UTC (link)
"No prob, Irey. Have fun."

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