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MadeOfGoesFast ([info]madeofgoesfast) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Alright... so, what I'd like to do is start a small independent film production company, Speedforce Productions. I have a number of projects in mind, but I need starting capital.

To be in keeping with the super heroics aspect, and mitigate some of the negative image some may accuse us of presenting with some of the films, I'd like to start each film with a clip of the heroes who will be appearing in the films helping in their communities. On top of that, and I know this might cut into the capital repayment... but I think its worth it both in general, and because its a good cause, I'd like to split 50 percent of any profits between children's charities in the cities the heroes in the films represent, and Tess Holt's neighborhood initiative - helping pay for better security patrols, investments in infrastructure and so on to improve various neighborhoods.

So... good deeds aside, the salacious details. I have a couple of adventure pictures in mind, but those require a lot more money, advertising, build up... so I was hoping to start with two projects that mostly fund and promote themselves, require very little set up, and just eleven actresses, so to speak, for the first.

I'd like to do a Super-Heroines promotional calendar featuring 'good girl' art. Scantily clad, and in their recognizable colors, but no nudes or anything like that - and combine the calendar with a 'making of' video, both literally the making of, and short interviews, gratuitous photo shoots with some of the girls in their bikinis or the like... that sort of thing. Don't dumb them down - but put some humanity and a voice to go with the super-identities.

That's the first project. I can pitch others if you like - but I'm intending to try and do one thing at a time. I'm hoping this sounds like something with enough promise that you'd be willing to put up the starting funds, along with Tess Holt?"

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