DC Next Generation

Contrary to Popular Belief, Not Everyone Digs Giant Robots @ 03:37 pm


Okay, so the city was dirty, noisy, filled with poorly lit blocks, and had a populace that sometimes seemed as ready to hit you with their car as look at you.. but Richie was getting used to Gotham. At least there was always plenty of work to be done. The trick was in finding gigs that payed per job, instead of by the hour. Yeah, that was a mistake he'd already learned not to make with temp agencies. Another week, and he might actually be able to start looking for a room!

Maybe. He still wasn't sure if he felt safe settling anywhere just yet. The people who came after his parents might still be looking for him.

But today, there's the trainyard. Cleanup duty was simple enough. Make sure you hit the markers so people know what track you're on, make sure there's no debris, and walk the fences to make sure there's no holes for people to get in.

Of course, that had been before an arriving unmarked engine had transformed into a robot and started busting up the joint, but we can't always have what we want from a given day.

DC Next Generation