DC Next Generation

Girl Party @ 11:44 pm


Warrior's Bar and Grill was officially closed for the evening, and with good reason.  Avia and Petra had taken it over for the annual "Rate the Hunks" party, though that was in truth, only a small part of the evening.  The various women of the teams getting to socialize and have fun and get to know each other was far more important that drooling over the sweet, sweet eyecandy that was...

Wait.  What was she thinking about?

But invitations had gone out to all the super-women in Avia's Rolodex, including the JSA, the YJLA, the Titans, and the New Guardians, and anyone else anyone else knew.  There was food, alcohol for those old enough,  background music.

"Looks like we're all set, Petra, m'groovy gal pal."

Now, folks just had to show.

DC Next Generation