DC Next Generation

A Tasteful Abduction (Before Starry) @ 11:08 pm


Okay, this, this was gonna be awesome. Petra wasn't much of a plotter, by her own admission, but she thought she'd figured this all out pretty well. The menu, the location, and the special gear she'd had one of Auntie Bea's friends hook her up with to carry the important items even in her preferred method of transport. Capping it off was the timing. She knew Din's routine, got on well enough with his dad to put in a call that Din wouldn't be making it to school that day due to being sick, and she knew the route he took to get there.

So as he rounds a corner, he'll have to stop rather quickly to keep his face from planting into the ties on the front of her blouse.

"Well hey there, handsome."

DC Next Generation