DC Next Generation

Another Day at the Brownstone. @ 02:47 pm


"Okay, people!" Tess claps her hands together slightly. "Today's for estimation of various kinds. Shazam. Jacob. I need each you to stand under those things over there and hold the 'roof' up as the pressure builds. Tell me how easy or hard it gets to be, and definitely tell me before it gets dangerous. Flash, please monitor the equipment like I showed you earlier. Wildcat, you and I are going to talk reflex work in a minute. Fate, take off the helmet, please. I want to talk to Just Mark."

Surprise! @ 08:51 pm


Cait had been planning and had been working on this surprise for Ty for sometime. It had been hard with the link they shared, but Cait had done her best to try to keep it from him. Cait had been keeping up her end of the deal with Arthur and there were some benefits outside of getting along better with her father.

One of those benefits was a three bedroom apartment in San Francisco for Cait, Ash and Ty. There had been some objections to Ty being there, but Cait had done her best to assure her father and mother that Ty would have his own room and that the two of them were not having sex yet. It took some time, but eventually she did get through to Arthur and then came the apartment.

Now she just had to surprise her boyfriend. Cait headed to his lab.

DC Next Generation