DC Next Generation

Something Wicked This Way Comes @ 02:28 am


Morgan le Fey was back one of those black rings had found enough of her remains after the Demon had killed her to bring her back. It sought to control her but a simple black trinket couldn’t control Morgan le Fey of the Elder Folk with the amount of magic she controlled. Still it was annoying and nagging and she didn’t mind taking a few hearts along the way so long as she could complete her goal.

Even with all her great power and the power of the ring now at her disposal she had been foiled enough not to underestimate those damnable heroes. She needed a distraction to draw their focus away from her and what she was up to.

Flying over the city of London she began to weave her spell speaking in tongues even older than the first settlement man had ever made there in London back before it was ever known as such. Soon a gateway appears on the ground below her glowing with dark magics. Pouring forth from the gate her army of darkness like she used on Camelot all those many years ago. Though this time they reeked with decay and death and bore the symbol of the Black Lanterns upon them though were not Black Lanterns themselves.

“Lay this city to waste,” She commands her army as she flies off to take care of her other business. That should prove to be more than enough of a distraction for anyone who might sense what she was up too.

The Quest for Orange @ 11:16 am


After they were done checking on Rose's grandmother and brother and dealing with the Black Lanters, Rose and Dex regrouped with the other lanterns. Then it was time to go after that bastard Larfleeze. Dex had wanted another shot at him since Christmas when the bastard was at the North Pole.

The trip to Okaara where Larfleeze was rumored to be holed up was quiet. The uneasy truce between the colors didn't encourage talking. The less words said the better. It only took a few to start a fight and right now it was the last thing they needed.

"Anyone got any ideas?" Dex asked as they approached Okaara.

Night Of The Living Dead (YJLA) @ 12:39 pm


At the Hall of Justice, where the YJLA was currently taking refuge, everything seemed calm and quiet. In spite of the recent Black Lantern attacks, the team seemed to be holding up well, and many of the members were currently resting and recovering from helping out with various relief efforts.

Yes, all seemed well and good for the Young Justice League...

Outside, a dark cloud grew over the Hall of Justice...and a horde Black Lanterns closed in on the Young Justice League.

Still Trying to Help (Open) @ 10:15 pm


Santiago, Chile- Ten Minutes Ago

She /really/ wishes she could fly right now.

Being able to run at super-speed is great, but flying just seems so much faster than running and Jo Kent has no idea why she hasn't figured this out yet. Jon was flying without issue by the time he was her age and she was struggling with it. She pulls the street punks away from the young woman and her younger brother, tossing them into trash cans and dumpsters. She figured it was nice than what most people would do to them.

"Thank you!" the young woman says. "Who are you?" 

"I'm just trying to help." Jo says, unsure of another answer to give. "Now head home, please. And be careful."

Before the woman can speak again, Jo dashes off in a blur of speed toward her next destination.

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DC Next Generation