DC Next Generation

Stress relief (open to Suicide Squad) @ 12:25 am


Rose had to admit, the gym/training room that the Suicide Squad had been provided with was pretty high-tech. Not that she'd expected any better, considering who was funding them. And Rose wanted to hit something, the gym was always a good place to go for that.

And running into her father always made her want to hit something. He just always brought out something in Rose that made her frustrated as all hell.

So right now, she was in the gym, currently kicking the crap out of a punching bag.

(no subject) @ 11:54 pm


(Backdated to November 23rd)

Iris woke up that morning before her alarm went off. She'd been having trouble sleeping these past couple of nights, as she was worried about Jai, who still hadn't come home. Daddy couldn't find him anywhere, either. Nor could anyone else, even though they had people out looking for him everywhere.

Iris put on her bathrobe, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Mom and Mitzi were still sleeping, but her father was up, sitting on the couch in the living room. He looked...sad.

"Daddy?" Iris walked over to him. "Are you okay?"

DC Next Generation