DC Next Generation

The Streets of Gotham (open) @ 06:11 pm


Maria returned the bike she stole the night before. She had felt guilty about having to steal a bike, but it had been a long way back to Wayne Manor. Little did she know it wasn't the Wayne Manor she knew.

Talk about messed up. Waking up in a whole new world. This was going to take some getting used to.

She shoved her hands in her jacket pocket. Bruce had given her some cash for a cab back to Wayne Manor, but Maria wanted to see a little more of /this/ Gotham. She wanted to see what was the same and what was different. Maria was always a curious girl.

A light rain started to fall, but she continued to walk. Aimlessly walking was good for clearing one's head and she had a lot of clearing to do. Her parents, this world's versions, were still alive. A good portion of the night had been spent thinking about them and what they could be like. It was mind blowing to think they were alive.

She asked herself a million times already if she wanted to meet them. She honestly didn't know the answer to that. It was one of the big questions she would have to eventually answer.

Another one was what she was going to do if she couldn't go home. She had been trying to figure out what she wanted to do in that world and now she had a whole new world to learn about and figure out what to do it in if she stayed.

Maria sighed and continued to walk the streets of Gotham.

DC Next Generation