DC Next Generation

Corn Maze and a Minotaur @ 07:57 pm


Each year the The Denver Botanic Gardens created a corn maze. Each year the design changed and each year it is one of most attended corn mazes in the country.

It was natural that the minotaur from Grey Myth would show up in a maze and he made the Denver corn maze his home. Attendance quickly dropped off as people entered the maze and never came out. Authorities and the media appeared on the scene to see what was behind these disappearances.

Time Bendy: After the Kraken (Open) @ 11:43 pm


Steve ventured into the kitchen to grab something to eat.  He always had some tofu in the kitchen to eat.  Point of note: Steve was, in fact a vegetarian.  It was among the few things his team actually knew about him, despite the fact that they should probably know more about him.  He was the type of guy who got on the team mostly because of his parents in addition to what he could do, and less because he was a sociable person and made great friends with everybody.  That was definitely something he had to work on.


DC Next Generation