DC Next Generation

Lone Hawk. (Timebendied to post-Thanagarian Invasion) @ 10:52 pm


Nic sat on the end of her bed in the Brownstone with her mace on her lap, wings tucked and folded behind her and the incantation that Rex had taught her to hide the wings entirely firmly in place--an unusual thing for a girl typically extremely proud of her feathers.  She'd been back from the clutches of Tharok for a bit now, but she kept increasingly more to herself.  At first it was marginal, but bit by bit she stopped hanging out in the living room, stopped eating with others, stopped training, stopped going out and causing trouble.  Now if she escaped her room at all, it was to grab the bacon from the fridge and run back to her room.

Today, though, she hadn't come out at all. 

DC Next Generation