DC Next Generation

Water Water Everywhere (open) @ 10:02 pm


Cait stood on the surface of the water in the ocean just outside the bay. Her eyes were closed, but she could sense the water around her and could feel it moving. It swirled slowly around her. Circling and spinning around her. She was one with the water and the animals in it. Dolphins swam around her, trying to get her attention.

"Young Swimmer, come play with us."

Cait smiled a little. "Soon," she sent back. "I need to practice with my powers." The water moving around her increased in speed and volume. Cait reached out and grabbed as much water as she could. She slowly stretched her powers out to their limits.

She felt alive. She felt strong. She felt powerful. Cait reached out further and commanded the water to move.

More and more water moved and large waves crashed all around her. A large smile was on Cait's face.

DC Next Generation