DC Next Generation

Drop-Out (Open to YJLA) @ 11:05 am


Archer called in the YJLA for something rather important.  He had been thinking about dropping out of the group for awhile, but never really had the motivation until recently.  He waited in the meeting room, fully diguised in his get-up as Archer.  There were only three people in the YJLA that knew he was Keith Queen, and he wanted to keep it that way.

Playing hookey. @ 10:58 pm


Katima elected to stay home from school after the incident with the football team and the cheerleaders.  It wasn't that she was afraid of them anymore; Alerron had shown them pain and fear without even doing anything.  It was more that she felt terrible for what had happened and more than that for just how disconnected she had been.  School had taken a lot out of Katima, perhaps more than anyone realized.  She wasn't exactly socialized as a child.

Which is why she decided that with the house to herself, cartoons and Lucky Charms were in order.  The funny cereal was remarkably like something she barely remembered having as a child on Korugar before everything changed for her.  Tucked up on the couch, she took a deep breath.  She hadn't realized how very stressed she was feeling.  And how awkward.

Watch Repairs (open) @ 11:22 pm

Current Mood: calm

 The cars drive by outside, the birds chirp, and inside twenty-four separate clocks tick in perfect unison. A small get away lair for Professor IQ back in the day, taken over by Clock King afterwards, and now in the possession of one "Scott Bartholomew West" or, as his real name was, Scott Bartholomew Rayner-West or Knight-Rayner-West, depending on the side of the family, and forever known as Highball to his grandmother.

Calling him Scott would be much easier. And in this era, money is everything. So Scott is ready not only for alerts from Scooter (downstairs in the lab, watching The Shawshank Redemption), but also for customers with broken time pieces.

Just another day at Western Time Watch Repairs.

DC Next Generation