DC Next Generation

Houseguests Hanging Out @ 02:33 pm


The prospect of going back to school has Josh a bit nervous. He's not worried about grades or anything like that, confident he can handle the material. It's all those people. But thankfully, he doesn't have to go yet.

Instead, Josh is staying at Henry's place while the Green Lantern is at school. And since he doesn't want to be a complete mooch, the healer's in the kitchen cleaning. He hums a little tune while he finishes the dishes. "There..." he trails off as he completes the task.

Evil Brewing @ 04:07 pm


Max had been tracking these low level crooks for a while ever since he let them escape from him. He could have taken them down easy but they weren’t his targets their bosses were. The police had yet to figure out that these seemingly random robberies and muggings were actually connected. It was a simple enough one to find once he started looking all of them went to the same coffee house. A guy who worked there checked people out for what they carried on them and would let the others know who good targets were. He always knew Starbucks was evil even if they weren’t related to each other this time for the crimes.


He was on the rooftops following the two muggers, they honestly believed that they had fought him off and escaped. Maybe he was a better actor than he thought he was and the faceless mask had to have helped, either that the guys were just complete idiots. Still this plan was to smart to be an idea from these low lives and he wanted to cut the head off of this operation as soon as possible.


Max was wearing a black track jacket, a white t-shirt with a black question mark on it and black sweatpants. All of that was color changing like his hair color due to a special chemical treatment that he and dad had made which changed color when treated with the same chemical gas cloud that he used to attach his mask. He also had a crossbow with blunt blots loaded into it with a couple of extra magazines and a small maghook. He was pretty well prepared to deal with typical low life criminals but he was going to case the place before he made his move.


It was about this time that the crooks he was chasing ran into an old warehouse which had been he had put on his list of highly likely places for their headquarters to be. From a nearby rooftop Max started to case the place.


A Night in the Big City @ 07:27 pm

Current Location: Star City

He drives the bike into the alley and kicks the stand down, preparing himself mentally for what he'll find. He's been in town two weeks, and the killings have already started. He was hoping to see Mia, to talk to her before this got too far, but the fourth dead prostitute in as many weeks has pushed itself to the forefront of his priorities. Someone needed to understand why everything was happening the way it was, and, though he'd never admit it, Tim wants to talk to someone that will understand why he's going to kill the monster doing this when he finds him.

Someone who knows him has to be able to explain to Bruce and Dick why he broke their cardinal rule.

He steps off the bike, pulls a grappling gun from his utility belt, aiming it skyward. He fires, and the gas-powered line shoots straight up the side of the three-story building, catching itself on the the lip of the roof. He gives the line two good tugs, and finds it stable. The building he needs to get to is three blocks away, and crawling with reporters, police and gawkers, all wanting a piece of the story. His thoughts abruptly shift to someone else, and he forces them away, not wanting to follow the thoughts to their conclusion. He doesn't want to think of how he found The Artist's first victim, which is the same way he will find the current one.

He climbs the roof, thinking about each step in succession as he pulls himself upward, counting the steps so as not to think of how he's failed to save these women from a mad man. Each one is like a knife in his guts, and those are only the ones he knows of. Tim wonders how many more have been killed because he let this man escape him? 

Once he's on the rooftop, he begins his run toward the 8th Street Motel, leaping from rooftop to rooftop. This is not Gotham, not his city, but he respected Oliver Queen, Roy Harper, Connor Hawke and Mia Dearden. He still respects all of them, and this psycho came here to continue his work.

Red Robin will not let him finish it.


DC Next Generation