DC Next Generation

Let's give it our all ladies and germs @ 03:33 pm


AS different groups gathered together to put a stop to what was going to happen others assembled to make sure it happened. It was not an easy thing to break into the Warden's office. But it was easy to have him suddenly slip into madness and find that he didn't mind the idea of letting everyone have fun. Shouldn't everyone feel this free?

He giggled. Then started releasing the most dangerous in mates of Arkham. They struck attacking and fighting. One guard got his stun gun taken from him and they started to beat him to death.

Other guards tried to step in. Others tried to call for the cops. But then the lines went dead. They couldn't carry their cell phones on them while on the floor so there was very little they could do as suddenly the whole place erupted into a tapestry of violence.

Rumble in the Jungle @ 03:45 pm


A fight has broken out in a park. Not just any fight but two old men are clobbering each other over a game of chess gone horribly wrong. There is a laughing jeering group around them suddenly. Then they turn on each other all of a sudden. They start punching and biting. Fingers turn into claws as they try to destroy each other.

A big man freaks out. A skinny man that had been holding onto him had just taken a bite out of his back. "Jesus Christ!"

There is no God here. Only the primal need to fight.

DC Next Generation