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Maria Helena Grayson ([info]crossbow_bat) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-03-14 00:26:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, huntress

Girl's Night Out
Between three jobs, two official and one unofficial, Maria didn't have much free time. All work and no play made a very boring life so once and awhile Maria made sure to take some time off and have some fun. Fun tonight involved getting together with Alina and having a Girl's Night Out.

She sent Alina a text with a time and location to meet.

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2012-05-28 04:51 am UTC (link)
"Huh, sounds like!" Alina says around a bite of burger, covering her mouth with her fingers so Maria doesn't have to look at semi-chewed food. "I try to avoid futzing with cameras if at all possible. Electronics are full of small finicky bits that don't like chaos in their systems."

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2012-05-28 10:01 pm UTC (link)
"I would imagine," Maria said as she popped a fry into her mouth. "What kind of things have happened when you did?"

Now she was curious and you never knew when something could come in handy.

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2012-05-31 06:27 am UTC (link)
"Nothing particularly spectacular," Alina says, making a face and taking a swig of water. "They mostly just spark and die. Which is handy when the bad guy brings out the doomsday machine, less when you actually want the automatic doors to open."

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2012-06-01 02:35 am UTC (link)
"Oh," Maria said. "I take it you've run into a few doors. That's got to hurt."

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2012-06-02 05:56 am UTC (link)
"Automatic doors are a lesser bane of my magical existence," Alina agreed. "Also, if I never lose another essay due to computer malfunction again, it'll be too soon."

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2012-06-02 04:13 pm UTC (link)
"Oh that's got to suck," she said. "Big time."

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2012-06-04 02:43 am UTC (link)
"Total pain in the butt," Alina agrees, flipping off the top of her burger and extracting the pineapple from the inside, popping it into her mouth and licking the barbeque sauce off her fingers. "Fortunately, I've gotten better at directing things like that elsewhere. My parents were worried I was going to have to live a Dresden Files life of no electronics ever."

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2012-06-04 11:06 pm UTC (link)
"Writing papers suck to start with and then having to do them over...ugh." Maria blinked. "The what files?"

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2012-06-06 06:32 am UTC (link)
"Dresden Files," Alina repeats, as though that's an actual answer to Maria's question. "It's a fiction series about a wizard whose magic aura messes up electronics, so he has to avoid them as much as possible. Means lots of candles, no computers, and cars that are easy to repair." She drops the bun back on top of her burger and takes a bite. "Fortunately, I didn't end up needing to worry about that. Mostly."

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2012-06-06 01:04 pm UTC (link)
"That's something I guess," she said. "I still don't like magic. No offense. Just don't like the unpredictability of it."

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2012-06-07 04:56 pm UTC (link)
"And mine's more unpredictable than most," Alina said wryly. "No offense taken. It's not for everyone -- just something I was born to, like a great butt and a natural tan."

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2012-06-08 06:23 pm UTC (link)
"Dislike of it was part of my upbringing," Maria said with a shrug. "To eat their own."

She took a healthy bite out of her burger.

"So how are you and Jon doing?"

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2012-06-14 01:11 am UTC (link)
"We're doing okay." Alina took a bite out of her own burger. "So far, we've eked by without getting caught in the regular chaos of our lives, and I have successfully avoided a situation where I have to watch him pretend to be intimidated by my father's "so you're the one dating my baby girl" threats." She grinned. "I'd call that a success."

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2012-06-17 07:44 pm UTC (link)
Maria grinned. "Good to hear. I know it can be hard trying to juggle the life and a relationship."

Maria had a string of ex-boyfriends and not one of them had stayed for long even though they didn't know she was Huntress.

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2012-07-05 03:12 am UTC (link)
Alina shrugged. "I've dated on and off, but that was before I joined the team. At least I know Jon will know how to act and who to call if something pops up to try and kidnap me."

Which hadn't happened so far, yet. Alina glanced around to try and find something wooden to knock on.

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2012-07-06 04:20 pm UTC (link)
"Jon's good at the saving the damsel in distress thing. First hand experience on that one."

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2012-07-19 01:51 am UTC (link)
"I'm sure he does, but anything that comes after me is going to be magic," Alina points out, making a face. "It's always magic things with me. 'New Age of Magic' baby and all that." She shrugs. "So really, I'm just looking for him to fly real fast and get help more than 'take on the video game character magically summoned to reality'."

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2012-07-21 08:15 pm UTC (link)
"Ah gotcha," she said. "With me it's usually saving me from the bad guys."

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2012-08-13 04:51 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not saying I won't need that; just that he should probably have back-up," Alina says, picking at the remains of her burger. "But hey, that's what we've got everyone else for, right?"

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