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grape_taffy ([info]grape_taffy) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-28 18:47:00

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Entry tags:inactive - allanah dibny, npc team - brain trust, plot - "hearts & brains"

Allanah is her mother's daughter sometimes and that "sometimes" often involves clothes.  She will happily explain - in detail - the difference between eggplant and aubergine.  She knows the importance of designers and prefers fostering smaller ones.  Perhaps most importantly, she prides herself on being able to find great clothes for any allowence level. 

Most of the clothes she finds aren't for herself, which is common.  In her well-stufed bags are clothes for Keith, because being a rich white boy and dressing in hip hop clothing still makes you look like Vanillia Ice.  Cait is hoooooopeless, so hopfullyl her (and her boy) will like the gold mini-dress she found.  Jai and Iris have some breathable shirts that don't look like gym clothes.  Dan has a few ties that actually compliment his skin tone.  Her and Dad now have another set of comfy Nick & Nora PJs.  The new guy is going to be confused by the job interview shirts, but he'll cope.  Henry's picks look great on, but his tastes run to "after hours," clothing.  Sometimes, you have to be practical.

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2010-03-29 05:13 am UTC (link)
...and into a massive urn held by Victor, where he stands waiting.

He closes the lid, trapping her even once she wakes up. It's air tight, but she won't suffocate before they can transport her to the more permanent prison.

I have the Dibny child, he reports.

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