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Heather Collins ([info]loveontherocks) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-11-14 19:52:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, avia free, azurite, corinna prince, emerald, green lantern dex, petra gardner, plot - "starry lights", sapphire, topaz

No Manhunter Escapes!
So. Heather had woken up today and worked on some of her sculptures. In the time since, she'd been changed into rock candy by a purple light, been nearly captured by alien robots, rescued by a girl with magic powers, told by Papa Smurf that she was the host to something called the "Predator", hauled off to an alien planet to watch the Justice League fight a bunch of Green Lanterns alongside a guy who was yellow and had fangs and a crazy Amazonian woman, met two more people with light things inside them, been told that the evil alien robots had a couple people like them and that the alien robots were working for the guy who'd destroyed Coast City, and was now floating in a bubble generated by a Green Lantern with the others like her, with other Green Lanterns, the Justice League, and a handful of Blue Lanterns, which she didn't even know existed before today.


She was gonna need a lot of therapy to get over this one.

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Re: The Cell
2011-11-20 10:07 pm UTC (link)
"Okay," Lenny agrees. "Still, that puts a lot of effort on your part. Are you managing okay?" He scans the area, looking for a possible route.

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Re: The Cell
2011-11-20 10:46 pm UTC (link)
"Surrender, humans!" came the mechanical call of the Manhunters. "Or we will be forced up upgrade our force level!"

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Re: The Cell
2011-11-20 11:03 pm UTC (link)
"...They'll probably make good with their threat." She cracks her knuckles.

"Let's get moving."

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