No Manhunter Escapes!
So. Heather had woken up today and worked on some of her sculptures. In the time since, she'd been changed into rock candy by a purple light, been nearly captured by alien robots, rescued by a girl with magic powers, told by Papa Smurf that she was the host to something called the "Predator", hauled off to an alien planet to watch the Justice League fight a bunch of Green Lanterns alongside a guy who was yellow and had fangs and a crazy Amazonian woman, met two more people with light things inside them, been told that the evil alien robots had a couple people like them and that the alien robots were working for the guy who'd destroyed Coast City, and was now floating in a bubble generated by a Green Lantern with the others like her, with other Green Lanterns, the Justice League, and a handful of Blue Lanterns, which she didn't even know existed before today.
She was gonna need a lot of therapy to get over this one.
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