Impact Heroics.
Miss Terrific strode through a Queens neighboor in broad daylight, in full uniform, hair up so the Fair Play logo was adequately displayed on the back of her jacket. They'd divided up, two by two, Jacob back at the Brownstone to work on equipment and keep an ear out for emergencies elsewhere in the city. Each had their assigned routes -- Tess had portioned them out when she'd called them together for it, since she hadn't expected anyone else to memorize the complicated schedule she'd devised to ensure no one would ever come up with a way to 'game' the JSA's visits to particular neighborhoods. No dates or times would be predictible. This open, daytime presence, talking to people, finding out what was going on, could happen at any time.
There was more to this game than just showing up when the bad guys did.
After a quick friendly chat with some of the local kids at the playground, Tess grinned at her partner and walked along. "Nice, brisk weather and everything," she said.
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