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Petra Gardner ([info]gal_gardner) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-10-29 23:08:00

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Entry tags:dinadan palmer, petra gardner

A Tasteful Abduction (Before Starry)
Okay, this, this was gonna be awesome. Petra wasn't much of a plotter, by her own admission, but she thought she'd figured this all out pretty well. The menu, the location, and the special gear she'd had one of Auntie Bea's friends hook her up with to carry the important items even in her preferred method of transport. Capping it off was the timing. She knew Din's routine, got on well enough with his dad to put in a call that Din wouldn't be making it to school that day due to being sick, and she knew the route he took to get there.

So as he rounds a corner, he'll have to stop rather quickly to keep his face from planting into the ties on the front of her blouse.

"Well hey there, handsome."

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2011-11-24 07:19 am UTC (link)
"Well," Dinadan says drying, "I am kind of a big deal there." He chuckles a little at his own joke. "It's not all political intrigue and terrifying animals trying to eat me. I've got a lot of friends -- sure, some are in it more for the politics, but there's a solid group who spend time with and fight beside me because they like me."

He leans back on his elbows, drumming his fingers against the blanket. "I could see that. At least you don't need to make excuses for your boss when your communicator goes off."

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2011-11-25 12:44 am UTC (link)
Petra serves her boyfriend a bit of cheese, hoping for his approval, as she smiles. "I'm glad. You kind of made it sound kind of bleak except for your mom and your bird." She chuckles.

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2011-11-25 02:18 am UTC (link)
He accepts the cheese and fidgets with it for a moment. "I didn't mean to make it seem like that. It's not actually bleak down there, it's really beautiful. It's dangerous, but not really more than being the kid of a super hero, I guess."

No one down there had ever actually succeeded in killing him, after all.

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2011-11-25 06:59 pm UTC (link)
"Good then," Petra replies, cutting herself a slice of bread. "Because I've been thinking it's about time I meet your royal mom. After that we can have you meet my parents."

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2011-11-26 07:51 am UTC (link)
Oh yeah, they'd been talking about doing that around this time last year, hadn't they? Dinadan pushes his darker thoughts away, distracting himself momentarily with the cheese.

"Sure, that would be cool. I'm heading down over winter break again, you can tag along, she'd love to meet you."

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2011-11-26 01:43 pm UTC (link)
Petra cozies up to her boyfriend and hands him some bread, before putting her head on his shoulder. "Awesome; and really, don't be scared of meeting Daddy. He's harmless, mostly."

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2011-11-28 06:44 pm UTC (link)
"'Harmless' she says," Dinadan replies, taking a bite of the bread. "One of the most strong-willed Green Lanterns in the universe is 'harmless'."

He's teasing, sort of.

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2011-11-28 07:00 pm UTC (link)
She smiles and munches on some of her own food. "Well, sure, when you put it that way..." She kisses his shoulder and nudges him in the ribs.

"What's your mom like? Am I at risk of the 'You're not good enough for my baby' talk?"

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2011-11-30 05:21 am UTC (link)
"Mother's...well, she's always been about following your emotions and doing what's right; so you're probably not going to get any speeches like that from her," Dinadan says. "She's pretty straight-forward, especially when she's speaking English. She's a good queen too, and a good mother."

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2011-11-30 08:25 pm UTC (link)
"Well, I never doubted that last part, not with you being such a prize." She gets them each a danish. "Any good conversation topics? I'm going to be about as out of my element as possible." She gives a haggard grin.

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2011-12-03 02:01 am UTC (link)
"She'd probably like hearing about Warriors," Dinadan says after a moment's thought. "And she's very proud of New Morlaidh in general, so you can always fall back on asking questions about it if you get stuck. She might ask you about your thoughts on lawns -- apparently, there's some joke she and dad have never told me about going on there." He shrugs. "She'll probably keep the conversation moving herself, she feels that's part of being a good hostess. If the topics get too weird, don't be afraid to ask her to change the subject, but again, you'll have to say it pretty bluntly. She won't be offended."

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2011-12-03 02:30 am UTC (link)
She polishes off her danish and nods. "Sounds like a classy broad. I think I'll be okay.

Petra helps herself to some wine before laying with her head in Din's lap. "So... tell me something I still don't know about you." She smiles up at him, reaching up to touch a finger to his chin.

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2011-12-09 07:29 am UTC (link)
"...I don't think I've ever heard anyone refer to my mother as a 'broad' before," Dinadan says, cocking his head to the side. "She'd probably get a kick out of it, but the moment would get overwhelmed by the explanation."

He purses his lips, combing his fingers through her hair. "Um. Let me think. You know about the toy oven and the baking, and the first aid kit, and you're probably aiming for something more romantic than depressing..." Hrmm. "Have I told you how I got Tris yet?"

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