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lantern_corps ([info]lantern_corps) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-10-26 22:41:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, avia free, azurite, corinna prince, emerald, firestorm, green lantern dex, huntress, jon kent, petra gardner, plot - "starry lights", sapphire, team - jla, topaz

Call to Arms
The headquarters of the YJLA

For a moment, all was quiet and dark in the headquarters of the YJLA.  Sophisticated monitoring equipment kept track of emergencies around the world and in near-space, all quietly humming away into the night.

The quiet was suddenly broken by a crackle of green light, briefly illuminating the entire meeting room in its verdant glow.  The glow subsided after a moment, coalescing into a single figure out a little blue man, the symbol of the Blue Lanterns glowing upon his chest.  His expression was far from unreadable; in fact, he looked rather worried, as though the weight of the universe was bearing down upon him.

There was little he liked about this.  He would have preferred to bring his Blue Lanterns into this, but without a Green to work with, their powers were limited.  And they could not work with the Green Lanterns on this.  Not until he had had time to persuade them that this course of action was the correct one.  They would act hastily.  And though they would not admit it, they would be acting from emotion.  Things rarely went well when his brothers acted upon their little understood emotions.

Instead, he reached out with the Green power that was still his birthright and rather unceremoniously brought each member of the Young Justice League to their headquarters.

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Re: Coast City
2011-10-31 08:45 pm UTC (link)
With robotic reflexes, the Manhunter batted the arrow away, then cast a power bubble from its rod around the green girl.

Satisfied its mission was complete, it took off.

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Re: Coast City
2011-11-01 01:56 am UTC (link)
There was a lot of cursing coming from Huntress as she watched the Manhunter take off with the girl.

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