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semievilgenius ([info]semievilgenius) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-10-21 20:49:00

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Entry tags:max sivana, mourning dove

Something To Do
 Max sat in the Titans' tech area, putting on the finishing touches to a new machine. It was a small aerial robot, that if it worked correctly, could be a good source of long-range reconnaissance.  At least in theory, but Max was still dithering with it, not entirely sure it was ready for field-testing. 

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2011-10-23 10:07 pm UTC (link)
Max does his best to answer and reply to Ruth's responses, though he is admittingly a little awkward. Small-talk is not one of his learned abilities.

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2011-10-23 10:19 pm UTC (link)
From the warm and friendly way Ruth continues to talk, you'd never figure how awkward it was.

Finally, she's in Colma, at one of the cemeteries near the previous attacks.
"There's some peoplel nearby, I--"
And then she'll stop talking, and all Max will haer is "Dove."

And then a lot of flesh hitting flesh.

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2011-10-23 11:32 pm UTC (link)
Max relaxes a little, flesh meant a lack of evil spirits. "Garden variety graverobbers?"

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2011-10-24 12:14 am UTC (link)
"They've... got some eccentricities. Is there any kind of street gang in the bay area known for T-shirts that say 'Monster' on them?"

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2011-10-24 12:36 am UTC (link)
"Let me think." It takes him roughly three seconds. "Yeah, they're called, originally enough, the Monsters. They have a bit of a pseudo-occult image. Most are just pucks, though it's rumored a few of the higher-ups actually know some magic. Watch yourself out there.

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2011-10-24 12:41 am UTC (link)
"Wow. How clever. Bet they get all the girls. Could you please contact the local authorities and give them my location?" There's a pause, more sounds of violence, and Ruth's calm voice. "I think one of them just tried to hypnotize me."

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2011-10-24 12:51 am UTC (link)
"Hey if it worked I'd rock one of their shirts myself." He hopes she thinks he's joking and not half-joking. Yeah, no problem. Sending directions now. Yeah, better not look that guy in the eye. Of course some hypnotists use the sound of their voice rather than eyes." Realizes he drifted off. "Sorry. They should be there in a couple minutes."

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2011-10-24 01:04 am UTC (link)
"Well, they're not getting a voice-hold on me. It's part of the dove-thing, fortunately. Has its drawbacks, but it definitely has its uses. I'm just glad that I'm staying calm and not letting them get to me."

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2011-10-24 01:21 am UTC (link)
"Well don't jinx yourself, Ruth. Not until these guys are cuffed and the back of a police car. You'll have to explain to me how your powers work exactly come time."

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2011-10-24 02:49 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, we'll..." And now she's breathing heavily. "Have to talk about that." More breathign. "Okay. They're all down. I still don't have any razorblades, we're good. I'm... going to try to find somewhere safe to fade out of costume and catch the train home."

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2011-10-24 02:53 am UTC (link)
"According to the layout, there should be a fairly secure spot just a little ways behind your position. It should be safe enough for your needs. Let me know when you're safely back in civilian mode."

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2011-10-24 02:57 am UTC (link)
And Ruth seeks the spot indicated, which works just fine. Eventually, back in civvies again. "All right. Just Ruth now. I'm going to let the cops figure out what they were planning to do with the bodies. I didn't want to stand around and let the costume fade by itself when I was trying to talk to them. Especially if they've got the hypnotist act."

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2011-10-24 01:37 pm UTC (link)
"Good idea, but you may want to stick close by for a sec. Just in case one of them puts the whammy on a cop."

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2011-10-24 05:38 pm UTC (link)
"Ah. Right. Good point."

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