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imperiousamazon ([info]imperiousamazon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-28 18:38:00

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Entry tags:corinna prince, npc team - brain trust, plot - "hearts & brains"

Marathon Girl
It's a nice sunny day and Corinna is taking advantage of it. She is in shorts and a tank top and is running. She thinks nothing of the fact that people can see her leg since she isn't wearing her boots that go up high enough to hide the injury from the world.

It actually doesn't look that bad. No one should be able to guess there is something wrong with her leg. She is just going to make a round of one of the residential zones in San Fransisco. Then once she is done she supposes she will go out for a short swim somewhere. The day is quite lovely after all.

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2010-03-29 01:14 am UTC (link)
Corinna lies on the ground, twitching. People gather around her, concerned for what's happened to her.

But there's suddenly a paramedic on scene, with Robert's face, and an ambulance with flashing lights right parked by the side of the road. "Stand back, please." He loads her onto a stretcher, then rolls her into the back of the ambulance.

Robert drives off, smiling.

The Amazon is ours.

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