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young_swimmer ([info]young_swimmer) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-19 01:33:00

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Entry tags:cait curry, inactive - charlotte runk, inactive - jarrod hall, inactive - steve logan, iris west, max sivana, mourning dove, plot - "pirate's bride", team - teen titans, tyler darnell

Yo Ho Ho And a Bottle Of Rum
Cait sat in a lotus position on the beach with her eyes closed. The waves washed up on the shore and soaked her, but it didn't register in her mind. Not that she ever minded being wet. She did get strength from the water and today she needed all of her strength and more, physical and mental.

Ty was starting an interview at Star Labs for a position, something he had worked so hard for, and Cait was trying to help keep him centered enough to get through it. The bond that they usually shared was stronger than it had ever been and Cait was still struggling. They were linked so strongly that she could almost hear, smell, see and feel everything he was experiencing. She had never been so far into some other living being's mind before. She could almost imagine the headache that would come after this.

"You're doing fine." Her mental 'voice' was as soothing as she could make it and she exerted as much control as she could through the link. "We can do this."

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2011-09-05 10:14 pm UTC (link)
Well, this had turned... bad, very quickly.

Charlotte focused her attention on the nearest robot, trying to draw it into her singularity.

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2011-09-06 12:44 am UTC (link)
The device began to fizzle from the backlash. Knowing what was likely coming, Max threw it at one of the robots. Sure enough, it exploded, taking a part of the robot's head with it.

"Sometimes I hate being right."

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2011-09-07 05:59 pm UTC (link)
Despite the feedback, technically, the device worked.

With the distraction and dropped shields, Cait is able to get in - which doesn't do it alone. She's too worked up. But after the telepaths figure it out and link Ruth in... the Captain fades.

The robots are tough - but teamwork takes care of them thanks to some quick thinking.

As that finishes, a very tired looking Ty sinks to his knees, looking around at the destruction.

"Cait... guys... I'm... I'm so sorry."

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2011-09-07 10:18 pm UTC (link)
Cait was by his side and put her arms around him. She reestablished the link with him. "It's okay," she said. "You're fine now and I'm going to take care of you."

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