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young_swimmer ([info]young_swimmer) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-19 01:33:00

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Entry tags:cait curry, inactive - charlotte runk, inactive - jarrod hall, inactive - steve logan, iris west, max sivana, mourning dove, plot - "pirate's bride", team - teen titans, tyler darnell

Yo Ho Ho And a Bottle Of Rum
Cait sat in a lotus position on the beach with her eyes closed. The waves washed up on the shore and soaked her, but it didn't register in her mind. Not that she ever minded being wet. She did get strength from the water and today she needed all of her strength and more, physical and mental.

Ty was starting an interview at Star Labs for a position, something he had worked so hard for, and Cait was trying to help keep him centered enough to get through it. The bond that they usually shared was stronger than it had ever been and Cait was still struggling. They were linked so strongly that she could almost hear, smell, see and feel everything he was experiencing. She had never been so far into some other living being's mind before. She could almost imagine the headache that would come after this.

"You're doing fine." Her mental 'voice' was as soothing as she could make it and she exerted as much control as she could through the link. "We can do this."

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2011-08-22 08:57 pm UTC (link)
The ship comes to a halt. Ty/Stingaree growls in annoyance.

"Right then... the bride needs the sauna treatment before her big day." he mutters. With a wave of his hand, the moisture begins to drain from the room she's in as it heats up.

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2011-08-22 09:00 pm UTC (link)
Cait felt the heat rising and her strength starting to drain. By Dis! She struggled to keep as much moisture around her as she could.

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2011-08-22 09:05 pm UTC (link)
He's lucky Ty's mind calculates these things quickly. He doesn't want to kill her, but is out to render her unconscious so they can keep moving.

The temperature continues to rise, even as he fights her control, drawing out all the moisture he can.

"Yarrr, lovie. Give it up now. We need time to get you ready for yer wedding before yer scurvy friends arrive."

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2011-08-22 09:23 pm UTC (link)
Cait fought to keep the moisture around her, but she was losing the battle. The temperature rose and her strength weakened.

Her legs wobbled and her control slipped. She could feel the water drawn out of the room. Her knees hit the floor and then her hands were on the floor.

"Ty, please, don't do this. You're not like this," she said.

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2011-08-22 11:19 pm UTC (link)
"Ty's not home right now, lovie. But you'll come to appreciate me." comes the reply, trying to finish knocking her out for now.

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2011-08-22 11:21 pm UTC (link)
"I'll only love Ty," she said as her arms gave out and she fell face first onto the floor. Her eyes closed and she slipped into unconsciousness.

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2011-08-23 03:25 am UTC (link)
She'll wake up somewhat re-hydrated, but kept weak, with Hammond-powered mental blocks to help limit her powers and resistance, at least til he's too distracted to maintain it.

In addition to being dressed, her hair has been done, she's been cleaned up, and is otherwise all set up for her wedding day.

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2011-08-23 08:57 pm UTC (link)
Cait growled when she saw the dress and promptly removed it. She wasn't going to wear it or get married for that matter. She even made a point of messing her hair up.

Now to get out of here. She started searching around the room for anything that would help her escape.

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2011-08-23 09:00 pm UTC (link)
She'll find the room enclosed in yellow shields. Her efforts do draw notice.

"Yarr! I will control yer mind if I have to. Can't have you running about starkers, lovie. Well, at least not til after the wedding. Now put yer dress back on. The party guests will be here soon."

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2011-08-23 09:21 pm UTC (link)
Cait crossed her arms over her chest and refused to do anything that resembled cooperation.

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2011-08-23 09:26 pm UTC (link)
"Fine then. Ye won't clean yerself up for yer own wedding, you can clean the ship! Hoist the mainsail, swab the poop deck!" he instructs, adding a mixture of Circe and Hammond's mind controls to force her to do the ship's chores in her current state of dress, robot pirates bringing her all the necessary cleaning supplies.

Somewhere, deep inside, the small part of Ty watching in horror things oh god, she's going to kill me.

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2011-08-23 09:34 pm UTC (link)
Cait tried to resist, but Ty's will was too strong for her. She started doing to the ordered tasks.

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2011-08-23 09:42 pm UTC (link)
Ty stands behind the wheel, telekinetically steering the ship.

"Don't worry, Cindarella, I'm keeping track of your friends. We'll make sure you're nice and presentable by the time they arrive."

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2011-08-23 09:45 pm UTC (link)
Cait didn't respond. She just held onto her anger. She would use it to get her through this and then make Captain Stingaree sorry he ever took over her boyfriend.

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2011-08-23 09:51 pm UTC (link)
Ty has tried fighting back - he really has. It just makes it worse. He can sense her resentment, and it just raises his tension. He knew she wasn't going to be happy about this. The only thing he's grateful for is that the manifestation isn't someone out to kill her.

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