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hsalf ([info]hsalf) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Zach was broke. Again. Registration fees had been more expensive for the fall term and once again the scholarship that he was so dependent upon had been under-funded. A down economy sucked. It sucked hard and for a few moments Zach had thought about just going with the truth: withdrawing from school, trying to find some semblance of a job, move back in with his mom. But he'd come to care about Wendi a great deal and, well, his ego wasn't going to let him just fail. He needed cash, a lot of it, and fast.

Robbing a bank was no big thing, but Zach had never really been down with high profile heists. Yet...lots of customers meant lots of money which was what he needed...

In a blur of color, Zoom had the doors of the bank secured.

"Ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled banking but this is a holdup."

The gun in his hand wasn't real, but it looked real enough.

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