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Kieran Grey ([info]4ever_yours) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-17 22:24:00

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Entry tags:inactive - kieran grey

Tempered in Fire and Back Better than Ever
Kieran and Lynn had really been enjoying the summer. It was almost like nothing had ever happened to them. Kieran did some Star Sapphire stuff though he spent as much time as he could with Lynn at home. There were some days that they did make it out of their apartment and barely made it out of the bed.

A couple of weeks ago Lynn started waking up nauseous and sometimes even throwing up in the mornings. At first they just wrote it off as a stomach bug or something. But when this continued they began to think there might be something else going on.

That when Lynn decided to try something else out and took a home pregnancy test. It was positive and they both couldn’t have been happier.

At this point they were still getting used to the idea of being parents and had already set up a doctor’s appointment to officially confirm it. They had also called up the school to figure things out with them since Lynn would be starting up again with them in the fall.

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