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Hope Free ([info]smallwonder) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-09 23:42:00

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Entry tags:inactive - hope free, inactive - warhawk

You don't always have to be strong (Rex)
Hope rolled over in bed when she woke up that morning, not surprised to find that Rex was already up and out of bed. She knew that he was trying his best not to worry her, but she was perfectly aware of the fact that he hadn't been eating or sleeping very well over the weeks since Nic had died and they found out that her body had been stolen by Vandal Savage. She'd moved in like he had asked her to, mostly because she didn't want him to be alone...and risk doing something really stupid, and because she wanted to be there for him. They were supposed to be looking for a house, but those plans had gotten shoved aside, and Hope didn't press the issue.

She got out of bed, walking into the kitchen where he was. She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Good morning," she said. "Want me to make coffee and breakfast?"

And by make breakfast she meant put poptarts in the toaster.

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2011-08-15 03:14 am UTC (link)
Hope reached out to lightly squeeze his hand. "Someday, things will be okay, Rex." She said. "It might take awhile, but someday, they will."

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2011-08-18 02:09 am UTC (link)
"I can't think about someday right now, Goddess. I'm barely making it through right now as it stands." Rex says.

"Did you say something about breakfast?" he asks, leaning against her a little.

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2011-08-24 12:40 am UTC (link)
Hope craddled his head gently. "Yes, I did," she said, kissing his forehead. "I am going to take you out to breakfast at that diner you like so much. You are going to order that 'grand slam' that you always order, and you will eat all of it. Then we will do something. I don't know what yet."

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2011-08-24 02:50 am UTC (link)
"Yes, Goddess. I cannot refuse a command from on high." Rex grins. He swats her backside playfully.

"You could always get dressed up in your sparring outfit and we can spar." he says.

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