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Cain Mannheim ([info]bloody_cain) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-09 23:35:00

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Entry tags:inactive - cain mannheim, plot - "lessons not learned"

Killer Moves
Cain was very amused by the assassin that had delivered that thug who thought himself a crime prince to him. The fool had learned the error of his way he had seen to that personally and he was made to open up his eyes to the lessons of Cain. Sadly not that he had really cared in the slightest the fool had not survived the experience but Cain had thoroughly enjoyed their time together and he had even repented in the end and was with Cain now.

The assassin on the other hand was something else entirely. This one showed great potential he just needed his eyes opened fully to the ways of Cain and unlike with the fool Cain was willing to play a subtler game he. There was so much he could gain here.

The talent one of the last Asaro assassins was a gift of murder Cain wanted badly to control. But as others had learned in the past centuries they can be controlled by an iron fist but a gentle touch. Still he seemed interested in what they did so this was a start.

But Gabriel had his apprehensions about this one and he had always trusted his instincts in the past so he was going to test him and Sister Acheron, Clare, was going to help there. He always did enjoy working with her on various things.

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