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Mikaela "Mickey" Rayner ([info]greengenes) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-08 21:35:00

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Entry tags:inactive - green lantern maura, inactive - mickey rayner

Happy birthday Mo! (Backdated to August 1st)
It was her big sister's birthday. Mickey loved her sister, even if she hadn't seen her in awhile. Also, with everything that had happened recently in her life, with Nic's death, she needed to get her mind off of things and she always loved spending time with Mo.

Mickey made her way to Mo's apartment with Chinese food, a small cake, and a bottle of her Mom's good strawberry vodka that she swiped from the liquor cabinet.

For her present, Mickey had gotten Mo both The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under on DVD, and a plushie of Jake from the second movie.

She knocked on the door, grinning from ear to ear for the first time in weeks.

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2011-08-08 11:17 pm UTC (link)
Birthdays had a tendency to be awkward for Mo at best. There was the year, in her own tangent universe, where Parallax had made an appearance, the year Kilowogg had eaten all of the tamale's right before the party started, and the notable year she ended up on another Earth.

That year she'd gotten a kid sister out of it. It counter-balanced some of the awkward, but Mo never quite knew what to expect when August 1st rolled around in Earth time. This year was low-key. Her "mom" from this reality had called, which was nice, and she'd managed to not have a patrol shift. With everything that had been going on she didn't anticipate anything else and was content with that. The knock at the door surprised her, something evident on her face when she saw Mickey on the threshold.

"Hey! What brings you...is that your Mom's vodka?"

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2011-08-08 11:20 pm UTC (link)
"Yup!" Mickey said, grin still intact as she stepped inside the apartment. "Happy birthday, big sister!"

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2011-08-09 09:59 am UTC (link)
"Dad is going to kill us, but if we save her a little your mom will have our back." Maura closed the door behind Mickey and smiled. "Thank you. I really didn't expect you to come by with everything you've had going on."

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2011-08-09 10:22 pm UTC (link)
"Mom's pretty flexible about me drinking as long as I am with a responsible adult. Which I am." She grinned. "You're my sister. I wasn't going to miss your birthday."

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