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gotham_rogues ([info]gotham_rogues) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-06 11:03:00

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Dirty Work (Open to Batfamily)
Mark was a bit mad about the fact the Renee Montoya had taken vacation time and was going to be away for a while. She was probably training terrorists or making deals with drug lords. Whatever she would just have to be dealt with later. Besides there were still plenty of dirt cops that needed dealing with. Sure no one else saw it but him but he was going to deal with this in a rather permanent way.

He had been planning this assault on Gotham Police HQ for a while now and he and his men were finally ready in spite of the work done by Batman and those others like Red Hood. They were probably in league with them anyways so if they got lucky they might even get to kill one of them if they show up to help out those bad cop friends of theirs.

At about 6 pm two dozen black SUVs would arrive at the Gotham Police HQ fully armed and ready to kill some of those cops.

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