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Vic Dragon ([info]dragonfist) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-06 10:59:00

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Entry tags:inactive - morgaine king, inactive - vic dragon, plot - "not the shiva"

Forces of Nature
It had taken Vic a while to get here but here he was in Hong Kong. It had taken quite a bit of investigation on his part to get here and he was very glad Uncle Ben had helped him out with this.

This Lady Shiva was definitely an incredible fight the battles he had found were very impressive and told him that. Though it was also very easy to tell that this wasn’t the work of the original Lady Shiva as this woman claimed.

He had found the location of a restaurant that her men liked to eat at and Vic hoped that he fight find her there to end this farce right now because it had gone on long enough.

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