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Angela Renee Waller-Holt ([info]yourkingismine) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-03 19:46:00

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Entry tags:alphonse vertigo, inactive - angie holt, inactive - kyle mcnider, inactive - rose wilson, plot - "loyalty mission", team - suicide squad, zoe torres

The Break-Out, Part 2
Angela Holt took a deep breath and made certain that she was speaking English when she opened her mouth to speak into the phone again.

"Yes, I understand that. What I asked was: Who the fuck approved the collection?" she asks the aide.

"Ma'am that information...is classified." 

"On whose orders?" she asks.

"The White King's orders, ma'am." the aide says, sounding for all the world as though she'd rather be anywhere else than on the phone.

"Put me through to the White King, then." she commands.

There's a click, a pause and then Michael Holt, aka Mr. Terrific, aka The White King, aka The Third Smartest Person in the world, aka Daddy, is on the other end of the line.

"Now, Angela, before you go getting bent out of shape--"

"Daddy, you snatched one of my people out from under my nose? I've been searching for this guy for months, only to find out that /we/ took him off the grid! Why wasn't I told?" she demands.

"Robert Queen is a problem and he's been solved. You're going to need to find another member for your little team. You know, the one I expressly forbade you from reviving that you went and revived anyway? I'll be having a discussion with Manchester about authorizing that." 

"Daddy, you can't do this. Is this your idea of Fair Play?" she asks.


"This conversation is over, Angela. Robert Queen is out of the game. I suggest you cut the rest of this Suicide Squad loose before you get into something you can't handle." he says.


"This is such bullshit." she says, slamming her phone down on her table. Less than ten minutes later, she receives a text.

Star City Super-Max. Cellblock F, Cell 120. Solitary Confinement. Roy Harper authorized the grab and led it himself. You owe me. -MB

"Computer, on. Database contact, Suicide Squad members, minus Robert Queen. Send up the balloon." she says.

Zoe, Rose and Vertigo all receive text messages at that moment.

Squad up.

Then she calls Kyle to cancel the date she's been looking forward to.


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2011-08-10 01:18 am UTC (link)
"Hey, Zoe. Nope, we're just screwing with Vertigo. Now that everyone's here, we can get started." Angie says, going to her desk.

"I'm sure you all note that one of us is missing. Merlyn's been kidnapped. The good news is that we know where he is.

The bad news is...he's in Super-Max." she says. "We need to get him out of there."

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2011-08-11 04:37 pm UTC (link)
"The same place we broke the other guy out?" Zoe asked. "Why would anybody kidnap him and then put him in a /prison/?" Not that it mattered, but she was interested. "Wouldn't the prison administration realize that one of their inmates is not supposed to be there? Unless they're in on the kidnapping?"

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2011-08-11 09:57 pm UTC (link)
Curious, this. But most American things were.

"It will no doubt be more defensible than before."

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2011-08-12 12:21 am UTC (link)
"Zoe, you'd be surprised at how easy it is to set up a few 'official records' indicating that your new prisoner 'belongs' to you. And Vertigo's right. That place is now much harder to get into.

Not only that, but only a crazy person, or a legion of them, would be interested in breaking into a prison." Angie says, looking around the room.

"Four people counts as a legion, right?" she asks.

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2011-08-12 12:36 am UTC (link)
"A very small legion, at least," Rose said with a smirk. "So when do we move to spring him?"

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2011-08-12 12:45 am UTC (link)
"The biggest battles may yet be won by a single blade in the right place," Vertigo said. He folded his hands, resting his chin on his fingertips.

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2011-08-12 03:52 pm UTC (link)
"How crazy does a legion have to be to break in twice?" Zoe shrugged. "An' a knife is no good in a gun fight. When?"

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2011-08-13 01:37 am UTC (link)
"I'm waiting on a phone call, but I want to be moving inside of two hours." Angela says.

"It just so happens that I have our way in...sort of." she says.

"No one here has an issue with heights, do they?" she inquires.

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2011-08-13 01:40 am UTC (link)
Vertigo shook his head. "Nein.."

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2011-08-14 02:13 pm UTC (link)

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2011-08-15 02:36 pm UTC (link)
Zoe suspected Angie wasn't talking about rooftops, but it made no difference. She shook her head once.

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2011-08-18 02:22 am UTC (link)
Angie's phone rings just then and she picks it up. She asks a couple of questions in Mandarin, says something that sounds like an affirmative, and then hangs up.

"We've got what we need. The plane is going to leave from a private airfield on the other side of town ten minutes before sundown. Ravager, you're going to be on that plane.

Vertigo and I are going to open a door for you while Zoe makes sure we've got a getaway van from the motor pool.

I'd rather not kill anyone if we don't have to, but I'm not leaving anyone behind." Angie says.

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2011-08-18 11:07 pm UTC (link)
Vertigo nodded. "Understood," he said.

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2011-08-22 03:06 am UTC (link)
"I'll get the van."

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