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Dinadan Palmer ([info]sonoftheatom) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-02 18:15:00

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Entry tags:dinadan palmer, npc - jai west

Facing Down the Phone (closed)
After his talk with Petra, Dinadan started seeing a therapist. It's helped. He'll probably be able to go back to school in the fall and sit in a classroom without having a panic attack. He's just not sure he wants to.

It's important to his dad that he finish high school and go to college. And he's enjoyed school, enjoyed his time in the states, enjoyed meeting his dad's friends and befriending their kids. He likes his relationship with Petra, even if it's weird because he's still not feeling right. But after today...he's wondering if he ought to throw in the towel and change his focus to New Morlaidh, permanently.

Dinadan strides through the palace toward the room where they keep the telephone. There are a lot of people he'll need to talk to if he decides not to go back to Ivy Town in September, but right now he needs to talk to someone that he hasn't spoken to in a long while.

He dials the Park-West family's phone number and listens, pulse pounding, to the tinny sound of ringing.

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2011-08-13 01:59 am UTC (link)
"Hey, man." Jai says, trying not to look at the spot in Din's chest where...

"You look good, Din. Have you talked to Petra lately? Wait, of course you have. She's only your girlfriend and all." Jai says with a nervous chuckle, looking for a topic of conversation to keep things moving, because talking about /that/ wouldn't help.

"How are your parents?"

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2011-08-13 07:01 am UTC (link)
At least the smalltalk unsticks Dinadan's brain from it's gibbering loop.

"Uh, yeah, I've been keeping in touch with Petra," he says, rubbing the back of his neck. "I got yelled at last summer when I flubbed that up, even though it wasn't really my fault."

And, uh, yes, subject-change because he's been keeping the assassination-attempts secret for years and he doesn't want to randomly drop them into a conversation now.

"My parents are well. If they'd known I was coming, they probably would have told me to say hello for them. How are yours? And Iris, of course."

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2011-08-13 03:48 pm UTC (link)
"Mom and Dad are good. They're fussing over Irey and me way more than usual. I almost want to tell them not to but...I can't really justify it." Jai says. He looks down at the floor, studying he carpet a bit.

His gaze shifts to the coffee table and a number of magazines. He picks on up.

"Can you believe this crap? They're still talking about the whole 'undead plague'. I mean, you'd think people would want to forget about something that traumatic and insane, but everywhere you go, someone just /has/ to bring it up again.

I had to leave a coffee shop last week because that's all this one guy wanted to talk about." Jai says in disgust.

"Oops. I'm complaining about it yet I'm doing it." Jai says.

"Sorry. So, what's up?" he asks.

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2011-08-18 04:11 am UTC (link)
Dinadan barks something like a laugh. "Yeah, I think everyone's stuck with at least some fussing," he says.

He shrugs awkwardly when Jai waves the magazine. "I don't know, I'm kind of surprised that all of us 'cape kids' aren't still talking about it." He pauses, making a face. "Okay, actually, I don't know if we are or not, I've been hiding in my room with all of the lights off trying to figure out if I'm crazy or just came back wrong or what."

He's pacing a bit as he talks, mostly because he's gesticulating and it's hard to gesticulate properly while standing still. He forces himself to stop though, and swivels to face Jai, making sure to make eye contact.

"You know I don't blame you, right? And I'm not mad at you either. I meant to write you a letter awhile back, but it turned into a couple dozen pieces of paper with "it's not your fault" written on them and I decided to get therapy first."

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2011-08-24 02:58 am UTC (link)
"Din, you don't have to spare my feelings, man. You can hate me if you need to. I did something pretty horrible to you. I did horrible things to a lot of people.

Someone around here need to hate me beside /me/." Jai says.

"I still remember everything that happened. I can't stop seeing it. I don't know if I ever will."

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2011-08-26 05:01 am UTC (link)
Dinadan blinks a couple times before his face twists into an ugly scowl and he invades Jai's personal space. He's not super-speed quick about it, but he's pretty fast for someone who's only extra-normal ability is size-changing and has a tendency to trip over his own feet.

Then he takes a deep breath and visibly reins in his emotions. "Jai. Think about this logically. Of all the people in the world who might hate you, do you really think that the guy who also got ridden by one of those rings is going to be one of them? If I blame you, then I also have to blame me for what I did. And you're not the only one in this room who did horrible things he'll never forget."

He takes another deep breath. "So, no, I don't need to hate you. You are going to continue being forgiven by me for my own entirely selfish reasons. Though I am sorry that it doesn't help you, because you're my friend and I hate seeing you in pain."

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2011-08-27 09:35 pm UTC (link)
Jai simply stands there in shock. Granted, he's never seen Din like this before; it's different. But mostly he can't believe that Din doesn't--won't--hate him for what he did. Traya and Michael forgave him.

Iris and his parents forgave him.

Still, he cannot forgive himself.

"I...I can't do this. Not now."

A heartbeat later and Jai is gone in a rush of air.

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2011-08-31 06:28 pm UTC (link)
Dinadan blinks at the suddenly-vacant space, then swears in Katarthan.

"Fantastic. You should have thought about that before you came here with questions," he mutters to himself. He rolls his head from side to side and takes a couple of deep breaths before proceeding to the other rooms in the house to see if there's anyone else here. He needs to go home, and he'd hate to leave the Park-West phone off the hook to do so.

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