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Dinadan Palmer ([info]sonoftheatom) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Dinadan blinks a couple times before his face twists into an ugly scowl and he invades Jai's personal space. He's not super-speed quick about it, but he's pretty fast for someone who's only extra-normal ability is size-changing and has a tendency to trip over his own feet.

Then he takes a deep breath and visibly reins in his emotions. "Jai. Think about this logically. Of all the people in the world who might hate you, do you really think that the guy who also got ridden by one of those rings is going to be one of them? If I blame you, then I also have to blame me for what I did. And you're not the only one in this room who did horrible things he'll never forget."

He takes another deep breath. "So, no, I don't need to hate you. You are going to continue being forgiven by me for my own entirely selfish reasons. Though I am sorry that it doesn't help you, because you're my friend and I hate seeing you in pain."

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